Using Power automate (Microsoft Flow) to assign permissions on a single item, folder or file is fairly easy, but can quickly become complicated, if you traverse through many sites and lists. This is a simple guide for the very basic setup. I often start by restoring the permissions for the item, so I know, there…
If you ever have to create a flow or a logic app where you need to listen for updates from several SharePoint lists, you actually need 2 flows. One flow to handle the subscriptions and retraction of the subscriptions and one to act, whenever anything happens on one of the lists, that you subscribe to.…
This issomewhat, what many will describe as a designflaw in SharePoint. It’s supposedto be “By Design”, but still, it’s just something that many peopleget very annoyed about. In SharePoint, if you create a Calculated column, which has a calculation that is based on something dynamic, like “=Today()”, you would expect that column to just display…